During the timeframe of October 21-22, 2016 (Friday 7:00pm, Saturday 9:00am) we will be organizing a conference for all Romanians in the San Antonio, Texas area.
We have invited for the conference Pastor Petru Lascau (Phoenix, AZ) and we will believe we will have a blessed fellowship together!
UPDATE: CHILD CARE will be provided by volunteers if parents cannot find accommodations during the Family Conference.
În intervalul 21-23 Octombrie (Vineri 7:00pm, Sambata 9:00am), vom organiza o conferință pentru toți Românii din aria San Antonio, Texas.
Am învitat pentru aceasta Pastorul Petru Lascău (Phoenix, AZ) și credem că vom avea împreuna un timp binecuvântat!
Anunț: Cei ce au copii si nu au cu cine sa-i lase acasa sa vina cu copiii la conferința familie pentruca o sa avem voluntari care o sa aibă grija de copii in timpul conferinței.
Sunday AM – 10:00a-12:00p
Sunday PM – 6:00p-8:00p
Monday – 7:00p (Worship Team Practice)
Tuesday – 7:00p (Prayer & Bible Study)
Wednesday – 7:00p (Brass Band Practice)
Thursday – 7:00p (Bible Study)
Thursday – 8:15p (Choir Practice)
Friday – 7:00p (Youth / Kids 8+/Awana)
Bethany Romanian Pentecostal Church
26347 Boerne Stage Rd.
Boerne, TX 78006
Email: online@betaniachurch.com
Phone: 210-437-2669