Declare His glory among the nations; His marvelous works among all the peoples!

Psalm 96:3

We all have an important role in the body of believers. God has uniquely gifted each one of us to serve Him. “Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms” (1 Peter 4:10). As we go forth in His power, sharing our faith and serving others, we will bring glory and honor to Him. Our Mission is to:

“To make His name great among the nations (Malachi 1:11) by motivating, equipping and involving our congregation in local, national and global outreach”

Christopher J.H. Wright said  “It is not so much the case that God has a mission for his church in the world, as that God has a church for his mission in the world. Mission was not made for the church; the church was made for mission – God’s mission.” Everything we as a church and as believers do for Kingdom work is like placing a new puzzle piece in the great mission of God. One day the great puzzle of God’s mission in the world will be completed as Matthew 24:14 mentions: “this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come”. 

If God is moving your heart in declaring His name, glory, and marvelous works among the nation please check below opportunities for you to help us complete the great puzzle of God’s mission. 


The Medical Mission Team provides Medical Support to rural and underserved population in Mexico. Our medical team accepts medical professionals, prayer warriors, children ministry assistants, hair stylists, cooks, and videographers/photographers. Our team focuses on health for the whole body, including physical, mental, emotional, and most importantly, spiritual.

Medication refills, counseling, wound care, health education, and spiritual health are all part of our primary mission. Hospital evangelisms, church services, and building connections with the locals are our secondary focus.

DATE: APRIL 10 to 17, 2024

LOCATION: Matamoros, Mexico

COST: $380 (+ personal travel cost to San Antonio, Texas)

HOW TO HELP: Prayer for the team and the mission work is always welcome and appreciated. Donations of gently used clothing, new medical supplies, and funds are also welcome. With Gods help, the medical team visits Mexico twice a year in April and October.

CONTACT PERSON: Adeline Hij – ,

(503) 896-3400


APRIL 10 to 17


The nonprofit organization Y4K will be traveling to Cuba for the first time this year. The need is very great, the poverty is dire and supplies are extremely limited. They will be taking medicine to local hospitals and clinics, reaching out to local churches, and doing local evangelism in the villages.

The goal is to organize 2 mission trips to Cuba per year in Spring and Fall. Due to special visa requirements, joining on this trip is not possible at this time. The hope is to make it possible for others to join us soon. Brother Manu Negrila will be traveling with the team. Please keep him in your prayers.

DATE: April 15 to 23, 2024


HOW TO HELP: Support in prayer and donations for medicine.

CONTACT PERSON: Emanuel Negrila –

A valid US passport is necessary. Honduras requires that your passport be valid for 6 months after the return travel date. If you do not yet have a current U.S. passport, go to

The Medical Mission Team provides Medical Support to rural and underserved population in Mexico. Our medical team accepts medical professionals, prayer warriors, children ministry assistants, hair stylists, cooks, and videographers/photographers. Our team focuses on health for the whole body, including physical, mental, emotional, and most importantly, spiritual.

Medication refills, counseling, wound care, health education, and spiritual health are all part of our primary mission. Hospital evangelisms, church services, and building connections with the locals are our secondary focus.

DATE: October 2024

LOCATION: Matamoros, Mexico

COST: $380 (+ personal travel cost to San Antonio, Texas)

HOW TO HELP: Prayer for the team and the mission work is always welcome and appreciated. Donations of gently used clothing, new medical supplies, and funds are also welcome. With Gods help, the medical team visits Mexico twice a year in April and October.

CONTACT PERSON: Adeline Hij – ,

(503) 896-3400



Tower of Refuge (TOR) is a non-profit organization that is currently focused on positively impacting the physical and spiritual needs of the impoverished people of Jacmel, Haiti. Their mission begins at the Bread of Life Orphanage which was established in 2010 to support each child’s spiritual, physical, and social needs. Other projects were created alongside this mission to continually help the community by providing food, supplies, and spiritual encouragement.

The current programs are: Orphanage – to provide food, shelter, safety, health care, education, and a loving family environment for Jacmel’s orphaned and abandoned children; Seminary – to offer biblical training for Haitians, equipping them to evangelize, plant churches, pastor churches, teach, and mentor new believers; School – to provide an inspiring, Christ-centered, life-changing education for children whose parents are unable to send them to school; Mobile Medical Clinic – to bring medical services directly to Haitian men, women, and children in need who do not have access to conventional care; Farm – to raise chickens, pigs, cows, goats, and fresh produce; Church Planting – to plant and build new churches in and around Jacmel so that more Haitians can know Jesus Christ, Mission Trips – to mobilize teams to travel to Haiti and work with in-country staff members to meet the most pressing needs of the people of Jacmel.

The organization Vital Solutions exists to serve those who find themselves in vulnerable and/or hopeless situations, specifically in areas that lack resources for sustainability. To accomplish its goal, the organization sends out teams on mission trips to different countries a few times a year. Trips are up to two weeks long and allow the participant to serve in the building programs, teaching, or medical camps.

A team from Bethany Church led by Brother Jason will be teaming up with Vital Solutions to help build a school in Nyeri Kenya, also to build a playground, water tower, bathrooms, and fix up the local church.

DATE: 02/26/2024

LOCATION: Nyeri, Kenya

COST: $1000 (plus airplane ticket)

HOW TO HELP: Pray and donate for materials.

CONTACT PERSON: Jason Obrian –

NYERI, KENYA 02/26/2024

MBOUR, SENEGAL – 1/28/2024

The organization Y4K (Youth for the Kingdom) began working in Western Africa in 2008. In 2017, to be more central to the neighboring countries, God opened a door to build a base in Senegal. It started with the construction of an elementary school. In 2021, pressured by the hardships of rentals for the mission teams, Y4K began construction of a mission base adjacent to the school.

Besides the construction of the mission building and school, they’ve been doing outreaches to villages in the area with medical teams. God has moved surgeons, internal medicine doctors, and pediatricians to serve on the medical teams.

Concurrent with the medical outreach they’ve taken the opportunity to testify Jesus Christ to the villages they serve. Most of our evangelistic outreaches also include some form of treats for the children and children-oriented activities.

The trips usually span several months from November through March with different teams rotating in and out depending on their ability to stay and the amount of personnel that can be housed and transported. Brother Manu served with one of the teams in January/February of this year.


Blanket Homeless Outreach

MATAMOROS, MEXICO – 12/01/2023

Our annual Matamoros Orphanage trip organized by Bethany Church was truly a blessed one, this year. With the help of the church and personal donors, we were able to deliver gifts to over 450 children and adults who were part of the orphanages and the churches we visited. Because of the generosity of our church the gifts that we bring provide shoes, clothes, toiletries, school supplies, candy, and toys. Every year we provide reusable plastic plates for some of the orphanages and this year we were able to also supply pots and pans for an orphanage in need.

For the second time, we were able to go to the Island where the community allowed us to use the city hall and evangelize and bless all who wanted to come. It’s truly beautiful to see the young and old gather together to hear the word of God and receive a blessing from Him.

One of the most memorable things we experience every year is the joy we see on the children’s faces when they see us come back year after year, through our visits they know that they have not been forgotten or abandoned by the church and most importantly by God. They know that all that we do is because of Him who died for us all and made us a big family that cares for one another.

VANUATU 10/30/2023

The organization Vital Solutions exists to serve those who find themselves in vulnerable and/or hopeless situations, specifically in areas that lack resources for sustainability. To accomplish its goal, the organization sends out teams on mission trips to different countries a few times a year. Trips are up to two weeks long and allow the participant to serve in the building programs, teaching, or medical camps. One of the most recent projects is the one in Vanuatu. 

A team from Bethany Church led by brother Jason teamed up with Vital Solutions to help build the first school in the jungle of Vanuatu for the tribe people. On this trip, the foundation was set and the framing was done for 6 classrooms. Future trips are required to fully complete the project. 


HOW TO HELP: Pray for future teams to be able to finish the project, and donate for materials needed.

CONTACT PERSON: Jason Obrian –

Tabãra Creștinã „Brãdãțel” is a Christian campground facility in Romania that offers multiple programs aimed to help people disconnect from the mundane and connect with God out in nature. One of the programs is called “300 de tineri din Oltenia la Bradatel”. The goal is to help young people from Oltenia to hear the Gospel and experience radical transformation.
In August 2023, Brother Jason Obrien and Brother Ben Anca traveled to Romania to help serve at Bradatel and helped minister to the youth that was participating.

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